November 29th, 2021
It's hard to believe it's been over 20 years since our first Drunkenmatch. In honor of the anniversary all videos are being captured from the original tapes in full definition and uploaded to YouTube for your viewing pleasure. Grab a beverage of your choice, sit back and enjoy some DrunkenMatch.
~ Mad Casey
October 8th, 2010
I brought the original Drunkenmatch.com site back to life. All video's are free to watch. Grab a beer, sit back and watch the fights. Just like the 'ol days.
~ Mad Casey
July 3rd, 2002
Here is a brand new match from this year. We got a newcomer to Drunkenmatch goin' up against the closest thing we have to a Drunken Champion - El Desvariado. Check it out, it's a great match.
Look for an upcoming DrunkenMatch video which contains exclusive footage and introducing an all new DrunkenMatch "Drunk Bastard Free for All" match, plus many surprise extras. And where are all the ladies at?! Are you scared? We encourage you to participate.
June 13th, 2002
I just finished uploading a great match. Don't forget to vote for who you think the winner is. DrunkenMatch is back up and running and we will have many new matches for your viewing pleasure. Check back for updates and enjoy the new match while you're here.
April 25th, 2002
Obviously it's been a while since we have posted any new matches, but there has been an update to the site tonight. On every match page we have added a voting booth so you can help pick out the real drunken champs. Just scroll down the match pages and look to your left to vote. We should be back to shooting some new matches any week now - we just have to rescue the ring from the jungle that swallowed it first. Rest assured, it will be soon. So for now just watch the matches all over again and vote for the winners. Check back soon for more.
I'd also like to thank Ralusp from Sympoll, Ajay Mannepalli, and Rex Parsons for helping me to get voting up on the site. Thanks guys!
March 10th, 2002
Uploaded a great match tonight. We should have some more in the next week or so. Check back soon.
February 19th, 2002
Just uploaded a "special treat" of a match tonight. Go check it out! Here's a link for the truly lazy -- match no.31.
February 17th, 2002
Well it's been another long month and all we have to show for it is one new fight, though it is a great match. Here is a link to match no.30 - Check it out! The weather is starting to get nicer and we will probably be jumping into the second season of DrunkenMatch very soon. Check back often for more updates.
January 18th, 2002
Tonight we have uploaded two new matches. They were filmed at sundown and had to be lightened for the internet, but they came out ok. Hope you enjoy them.. and more to come.
January 3rd, 2002
We have just uploaded a new match to bring in the new year. Check it out! There's a lot more to come -- maybe some time next week..
24th, 2001
fans, drunks, brawlers, and general violence mongers, we apologize
for the lack of recent updates. We have had problem after problem
recently from hardware and weather problems to the birth of
Mad Casey’s mad lil’ boy Cayden (though he’s not actually a
problem), just a bundle of joy that requires a lot of attention
and time with the teet.
we will be bringing you season two of drunkenmatch sooner than
later with new faces, old ones, and a few surprises that we
are cooking up for the not so distant future. Also keep a look
out for drunken merchandise and special edition video collection.
Meanwhile we will be scouring the local bars and clubs for new
drunken brawlers, shit talkers and those brave enough to be
a drunken champion.
will be back Bigger, Badder, And with a vengeance.
November 13th, 2001
A whole week has gone by since an update, so tonight I uploaded a pretty good match. Drunken Girl Match no.2, Check it out!
November 4th, 2001
And here it is..Our first knock out! One of the fighters may have drank just a bit too much before the match this time, but it is definitely some highly entertaining drunken boxing. Enjoy!
October 28th, 2001
Here's something new. Our first drunken guy vs. girl match. We have a lot more coming. Stay tuned for more updates.
October 22nd, 2001
Uploaded another great match tonight. Introducinig a new fighter - "Big J". These two guys managed to tear out a huge piece of the fence. It's definately worth checking out. Enjoy!
October 20th, 2001
I posted our first rematch late last night . It's between Fausto De Fuertes and EL Desvariado. This was the second fight of the day for both of them and they nearly finished each other off for good. It's a must see. Also, here is the link to Prowl-Loc's song "DrunkenMatch.com" just in case you missed it. It's worth a listen.
October 18th, 2001
new matches today but here
is a link to an MP3 file you might want to check out. It
was done by one of the fighters - Shawn Bluntz. Take a listen
and enjoy!
October 11th, 2001
Sorry for the delay in matches lately. My wife just had a baby and we are still adjusting to this strange new life. I am hoping to have some time in the next few days to post some new matches. Check back soon.
October 3rd, 2001
Uploaded another match late last night. Check it out and enjoy!
29th, 2001
uploaded a match this morning. Introducing Dave Dog. I give
Dave Dog a lot of credit for going up against Fausto - but Damn!!
You gotta see the match for yourself.
26th, 2001
a great match tonight with two new fighters. We shot some outstanding
matches this past weekend including our first real knockout.
You don't wanna miss what's coming, so check back often.
19th, 2001
another match this morning. The new match features a new fighter
and an old fighter and a whole lot of people cheering them on.
here at DrunkenMatch.com have recently been discussing setting
up pre-recorded videotapes to be available for purchase here
on the web site. The quality of these videos is about 60 percent
better than what you see here on the internet and will include
extra match footage as well as some commentaries and drunken
fighter interviews. If this sounds like something you may be
interested in, please send in an email to let us know.
11th, 2001
finished posting the first match from a series of matches we
shot last weekend. Hope you enjoy it, there is much more to
come. On another note, it was a very sad day here in America.
Our best wishes go out to anyone who may have lost someone today.
10th, 2001
shot a lot of good matches this past weekend. We met a few new
fighters and ended up with some exceptional matches. More and
more people are beginning to come to DrunkenMatch. We have almost
outgrown Mean Brown AL's backyard. I just uploaded the last
match from a couple of weeks ago. Check back soon and enjoy!!
6th, 2001
one more match introducing a new fighter. Check it out. Sorry
for the delay in new matches. We have had a few problems in
the last couple of weeks but we will be back on schedule soon.
Stay tuned for more.
28th, 2001
the first of three new matches. These guys went six full rounds.
Introducing "Crown Rory" as he goes up against our leading champ
,"El Desvariado". Enjoy!
21st, 2001
first Drunken girl match is finally here. It's a great match
so check it out. We shot some excellent matches this last weekend.
Stay tuned, we have a lot more coming.
15th, 2001
a great match today! Watch as two of our heavier class fighters
pound the drunkenness out of each other. There was a small injury
in this match. No one was seriously hurt. Check it out!
13th, 2001
shot some outstanding matches this last weekend. A real power
match between "Sam G" and "Fausto De Fuertes" and our first
drunken girl match is on the way as well. You don't wanna miss
these upcoming bouts. Until then, I just finished posting match
number 11 which introduces a new fighter, "Trail Hazard". Stay
tuned and enjoy!
6th, 2001
another match this morning. A real power match with lots of
hard hits. Check it out and enjoy!
5th, 2001
a match today, introducing a new fighter. Another match will
follow in a day or so. Let us know your good or bad thoughts
about DrunkenMatch.com by droppin' us a quick email. Enjoy the
new match.
3rd, 2001
been almost two weeks since an update. We have two new matches
on the way. The first one is a full on "Mud Match" and the second
will be a power match between two of our toughest fighters.
Two new fighters will also be introduced. You just can't miss
all the action we've got coming, so check back soon.
21st, 2001
the FAQ and Email pages today. Email should work now so please
send in your comments. We weren't able to shoot any matches
this week due to "Mean Brown" being out of town. We do have
a big event scheduled for next week, so if all goes well we
should have new matches to post shortly after. Stay tuned.
19th, 2001
a match tonight. It's a good one with one new fighter. It started
to get a little bit dark during this match, but it came out
ok. Enjoy!
14th, 2001
for the delay in matches. Uploaded one new match today introducing
a new drunken fighter. Check it out. It's a good match. We still
have another good match on the way so check back when you can.
12th, 2001
couple of matches are on their way. We will be introducing two
new drunken fighters this time, so don't forget to check back.
3rd, 2001
uploaded the sixth match. Two brothers battle it out to the
finish. You can't miss this one. Enjoy!
1st, 2001
match five.
27th, 2001
the second of the four new matches. Enjoy!
26th, 2001
first of the four new matches is up. It's a good one. We are
still in the process of editing the last three, but we are workin'
hard to get them up before the weekend. Enjoy the match.
25th, 2001
shot four great matches this weekend. We are in the process
of editing the first couple right now. Give us a day or so to
upload them. This next round of matches will be worth the wait.
Stay tuned.
20th, 2001
the next match. Check it out. This one gets a bit more rough.
It may have brought on a "no pummeling once someone stays
down" rule. I guess we'll have to vote on that. Sorry about
the lighting in this match. It was getting dark. We took some
light from inside the house but it didn't make much difference.
I lightened it as much as possible. Hope you enjoy.
16th, 2001
We finally got the site up! Welcome to DrunkenMatch.com. We
will have a lot more information coming in the coming months,
so for now just try to enjoy the match we posted.